2024 Misty Mountain Getaway

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Did you know that Rachelle has been quilting for 16 years, teaching and working in the Patchwork and quilting industry for over 10 of these. She is also an experienced teacher with a passion to share her knowledge and skills with her students, teaching a wide variety of classes.

Rachelle has been designing her own quilts since she first started quilting and enjoys improving her own skill level by entering quilt competitions. Well known for beautiful machine quilting her show quilts have won numerous awards both Nationally and Internationally including two Best of Australia Awards.

If you are considering doing a workshop with Rachell, book now, dont delay and miss out, you will be very dissapointed. We have only a few spaces available - make it happen - click on the link: book me book me book me


Cushion RD 1Cushion RD 3 Cushion RD 2 


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